Animals are alive, conscious and feel pain.

Our mission is to raise awareness and contribute to change.


The Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund’s mission is to raise funds to be utilized to promote public awareness and fund educational services regarding animal cruelty issues by using the media such as television, billboards, print ads, internet, and social media.  We intend on working with other animal rights groups who have exposed cruelty by conducting investigations, obtained video, photos, or testimony, and that needs those things to be shared with the public, but is not reaching enough people.  Animals need equal footing to Big Ag by using the media to educate people as to the truth, rather than the fantasy lands that Big Ag plasters on TV, print ads, and billboards, showing “happy cows, pigs, and chickens”.  We know the truth.  It’s time the rest of the world did, too.  It’s time to fight fire with fire.
Donate now to the Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund, to help expose the atrocities that are taking place every minute of every day.  Make the world aware.  Donate now.



When a man has pity on all living creatures, then only is he noble.

- Buddha