Prevent Aging with a Vegan Diet

Stop dreading birthdays and turn back the clock with a plant based diet! Now you can be the one who is actually PROUD to announce your age, as you watch jaws drop because of your youthfulness!

While this is just an opinion, it certainly does appear that a plant based diet will cause one to age a lot better than someone who consumes a lot of animal products. As PETA’s sexiest vegetarian over 50 Mimi Kirk proves, 70 really can be the new 20. Here’s how to maximize the anti-aging benefits inherent in vegan foods.

Wrinkles: they’re everyone’s worst nightmare when it comes to aging. And bad Botox results are everyone’s second worst nightmare. (Not to mention that every single Botox treatment must be


cruelly tested on an innocent animal before it goes into your skin, causing great suffering for the animal.) So forget the Botox or other cosmetic treatments – and forget the expensive creams that are loaded with chemicals. Instead, start with what you put into your body; try something that works from within. Vitamin C supports the synthesis of collagen, the structural protein in our tissues that makes up 75 to 80 percent of skin, and collagen breakdown is responsible for the wrinkles that seem inevitable. With vitamin C abundant in countless plant foods from cabbage and potatoes to citrus and pomegranate, some hypothesize that diets packing seven to nine servings per day of fresh produce may help skin retain its elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles!!

Other antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals, which are unstable particles produced in the body that can damage cells and lead to a whole host of health problems. Without antioxidants, these harmful particles accumulate over time. The solution? A plant based, colorful diet! Blueberries’ rich hue reveals they

are full of flavonoids that fight free radicals. Bright orange carrots and sweet potatoes have high levels of beta-carotene, which is known to promote healthy skin, eyes, and cardio health. Ruby red tomatoes have lots of lycopene, a compound that protects the arteries. All of these wonderful benefits combined equal one thing – youthfulness!

Got Calcium? Bone loss becomes a major concern as the years progress. So many people turn to dairy products, thinking that this is the answer. Think again – it’s not! In fact, some studies have shown that the high animal protein content of dairy milk actually negates any benefit from the calcium. In fact, in third world countries where women consume little to no dairy products, osteoporosis barely exists!! So when you want calcium, think plant products. For example, kale has more calcium per gram than cow’s milk. And don’t forget to up your vitamin D intake to help calcium absorption—15 minutes per day of sun exposure should be sufficient.

Maintaining a youthful figure is harder at 60 than it is at 16 because metabolism slows down with age. So pick foods that are full of nutrients but light on calories. Almost all fruits and vegetables fall into this category. Another way to stave off the pounds is to increase your fiber intake because it keeps you fuller for longer. Luckily, fiber is available everywhere in plant products such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. Try to incorporate beans into your meals for some soluble fiber that promotes digestive health – and beans also have a good amount of high-quality plant-based protein!

Most people think you should avoid fats if you want to stay healthy. Not exactly – what you need to avoid are animal products fats. Fats derived from animal sources can speed up aging and add to health problems, but plant-based fats are actually good for you and offer many benefits. Walnuts are loaded with alpha-linoleic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that keeps your heart and brain functioning optimally. Avocados contain oleic acid, which works to improve cholesterol levels. This good-fat-filled fruit also has potassium and folate, which lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. (Not to mention my theory – that avocados moisturize your skin from the inside out.)

While genetics do play an important role, when it comes to aging, you can’t deny that what you put into your body has substantial effects. You literally are what you eat.

[We would like to thank Veg News Magazine for contributing to this content.]

For more information and interesting articles, click here!

For more information on Mimi Kirk, click here!

For more information on the myths of dairy, click here!

Personally, it’s my opinion that my plant-based diet is fully responsible for my graceful aging. I’ve never had any cosmetic work done and pretty much look the same as I did 20 years ago. I attribute it all to not only a vegan diet but also a vegan lifestyle, meaning I do not wear any animal products and do not buy or use products that were tested on animals or contain animal products.  Remember, by adhering to a vegan lifestyle, not only do you avoid putting the toxicity directly into your body through food, but you also avoid the super bad karma involved with eating, wearing, or using products that are a result of utter torture and abuse.  That energy certainly CAN’T be good for you, or the aging process.

-Foxy Vegan